first step into the land of fog

In general, I'm a private person, but I'm going to experiment with this blog to discuss my writing projects as they progress.


Tara Maya said…
Good job, self.
Tara Maya said…
What kind of ninny publishes comments in their own blog? Sheesh.
Tara Maya said…
Well, I don't see anyone else around here who's going to comment on it, do you?
Tara Maya said…
You're schizo, that's all I have to say.
Tara Maya said…
tara maya said:

>You're schizo, that's all I have to say.

LOL. If I'm schizo, what does that make you?
Tara Maya said…
A dork.
Tara Maya said…
People, can we please keep the comments civil? There's no need to start a flame war on the very first post.
Tara Maya said…
Yeah, and besides only a schizo would start a flame war with herself. No, that's beyond schizo. That's pathetic!!!
Tara Maya said…
Jenifer said…
oh my god, what is this!
you're a delight!
hahaha <3