30 Day Novel Book Outline Planner


Are you doing NaNoWriMo?

Trying to write a book in a month this November? (Or whenever you end up trying it... it doesn't have to be November, after all). One week in, how are you doing?

Maybe you're going strong?

Maybe you are off to a great start... but now that first burst of inspiration is running out of steam?

Maybe you're floundering just a wee bit?

Maybe you think it's too late to start? 

Even if you're a Pantser and your going strong on a streak of inspiration, you might find it helpful to track your progress with an Outline. This is a more focused, streamlined version of the Book Outline Planner I designed to use for myself. (That's also available for sale, because why not?)

This is a sample of the inside:

As you can see, it's simple and straightforward. If you hit the word count on each page (whether or not it's on the proper "Day X" or not), you'll reach a 50,000 plus novel. If you miss a week or whatever of NaNoWriMo, instead of giving up, you can keep track of your "Thirty Days" of writing and continue to write a book in 30 days... just maybe not thirty consecutive days. I know that with me, personally, I ALWAYS stop writing for a week (at least) in November, because it's an insanely busy month for me.

Remember, NaNoWriMo is a tool. It's a great tool! But a tool always need to serve you... you don't serve the tool. 

This 30-Day Book Outline Planner is another tool. 

If you need more inspiration about how to deal with specific writing problems, also check out my very short and on-point book, 30 Day Novel

I've priced it as inexpensively as I can for print. It's not more than any ordinary paperback notebook. You can buy it here.
