
I've been working on the re-write for the first chapter of the fantasy novella. I notice a habit of mine, to cut myself down while I'm writing. "This doesn't have to be good." It's a defense, a way to warn myself, "This won't be too good." That way, if I finish and it's not, in fact, good at all, I can say, "I wasn't really trying."
The defense is not without its charms. I have other projects I would like to work on, but can't, because my expectations paralyze me. Those are projects which I want to be good. To fall short would crucify me. The result is that I write nothing at all.
Surely there must be some middle ground between these extremes. I would like to hold myself to a high standard for every project, and not just toss out shoddy writing because I am "saving" my "real" efforts for something better -- which I never do anyway, because having to keep my own promise intimidates me. I aim to do better.
Photo here.
So you're working on a fantasy novella? That's exciting! Can't wait to hear more about it if you're going to share. And I understand about being paralyzed by expectations and finding a middle ground. I think I finally found that with Cinders, which is why I decided to put it out there. Tough choice, still, and the whole thing still scares me to death.
Sometimes, if you're behind so much, suddenly you're first.