Submissions Hollywood Style

All creative people eventually have to sell their work, usually through intermediaries. For writers its agents and editors, for actors its agents and casting directors.

For your consideration, here's a peek into the submission process for actors and actresses.

Ivy Isenberg is a Casting Director with a cool webshow which views actors' demo tapes and then critques them, sort of the Hollywood equivilant of Query Shark.


Davin Malasarn said…
That's pretty interesting. I only had time for a peek, but I'll watch the rest of it later. Thanks for posting!

And, I do think this can be somewhat useful to writers too. Presentation of our work comes in different forms.
Unknown said…
Wow, I think I'm glad I'm trying to become a novelist : )
Thanks for this useful post!
Sara Raasch said…
Ooo I want to be an actress! Maybe. Kinda. In my head, at least.
Pen Pen said…
OMG!! That first guy was my fav!! "Gotta make that mOOney papi!!"
COOL! I'm married to an actor, so this is all VERY familiar. :D