Three Announcements

First, I have an announcement. The first book in my fantasy series, The Unfinished Song, will be out as an ebook in time for Christmas. The cover is a surprise which I will reveal sometime in the next few days. Look out for it!

Second, speaking of covers, now that the stories are in for the Notes from the Underground anthology at The Literary Lab, I expect to be working on that cover soon too.

Third, one of my stories is a finalist to appear in an another anthology. I'll keep you updated as I hear more news on this.


Tara, exciting stuff! I can't wait to see BOTH covers! Hehehe. :)
The Happy Whisk said…
Fantastic news. Go you.
C. N. Nevets said…
Should've worn my Gallagher outfit, because this post is dripping with awesomesauce.
I add my !!! to everyone else's! Good luck with the anthology!
Tara Maya said…
Thank you, guys.
Jai Joshi said…
Oh wow! Congrats on the upcoming release of the ebook! And good luck on that anthology final selection!

Unknown said…
Congrats on all this good stuff going on!
Burritoclock said…
I'm not a huge fantasy fan, lean more to the sci-fi side of things, but I will be giving this a chance you get it released. I wish you all the best and hope you get the success your talent deserves!
Burritoclock said…
*when you get it released.

man I wish there was an edit button, typo's make my soul hurt...