Why We Love Princesses
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Princess Kate gets hitched. |
I love princesses. I should. A princess taught me to read. A princess convinced me to get married. And a princess made my dream come true.
But I met a guy once who hated princesses. He was a Spanish anarchist who would hold up protest signs whenever any Spanish royalty showed up. The problem, he complained at a dinner party attended by radicals, pacifists and intellectuals, was that just about everyone in Spain adored the Spanish royal family, and for good reason. The king of Spain had defied terrorists to defend democracy.
The anarchist didn’t care. “I hate the kings. But I especially hate the damn princesses.”
“I love princesses,” said the activist next to me. “I LOVE them!”
She and the gay guy on her other side then started talking Princess Fashion Tips.
The anarchist rolled his eyes. I wondered if he was right. Are we unhealthily obsessed with royalty?
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Dany from Game of Thrones. |
Some examples:
• The Royal Wedding.Need I say more? Just as Princess Diana was the idol of millions, Princess Kate is the new darling. Ok, I know she’s actually “Duchess Kate,” but she did marry a prince. And let’s face it, if she invited you to tea, you would totally be tweeting all your friends, “Check me out having tea with a princess!”
• Game of Thrones. This is the most awesome new fantasy series on television, and it’s all about kings and princesses and warriors and barbarians vying for power.
• Harry Potter. Wait a minute, you’re saying. There are no princesses in Harry Potter. That’s true. But there is a half-blood prince
. I rest my case.
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Snape, I love you. |
Let’s face it, even when the word “princess” is not used, the role sneaks in. For instance, in my epic fantasy series The Unfinished Song
Is there something wrong with us for being so interested in royalty in the age of democracy? I don’t think so, because I believe our obsession about princesses isn’t really about princesses at all. It’s about fairytales. You might think fairytales exalt royalty, but they don’t. They exalt common heroes. The boy or girl who is plucky and compassionate and daring is the one who becomes the prince or princess at the end of the story.
The princess who taught me to read wasn’t born a princess. She didn’t even marry a prince. Her name was Sarah Crewe and you might know her. She was the heroine of A Little Princess
In second grade, when most of the kids around me were already reading primers, I couldn’t read three words. I had dyslexia and reading was just like torture for me. Then my grandmother began reading to me from A Little Princess every night. One chapter at a time. And suddenly the torture of needing to know what happened in the next chapter overpowered the challenge of reading. I don’t know how my brain made the leap. I just knew I couldn’t wait to find out what happened to Sarah Crewe and I raced ahead, finishing the rest of the book by myself in one day. It was “the Magic” just like in the story.
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As you wish. |
I went from being unable to read at all to being a voracious reader. That’s how another princess came to unite me with my true love. When I met a man who took me to a bookstore for our second date, I knew I had found a prince. Flashforward half a year, and he bought me a copy of The Princess Bride
The princess who pushed me to follow my dream was Dindi
The Unfinished Song: Initiate -- Nook, Kindle UK, Kindle US, Paperback
The Unfinished Song: Taboo -- Nook, Kindle UK, Kindle US
Look out for The Unfinished Song: Sacrifice, coming soon.
Or rather, 'dinner in the presence of Princess Anne', since there were over a hundred people invited. It was in a real palace, nonetheless. The food was heavenly. And Princess Anne was awesome - such an intelligent, critical-thinking, educated outspoken woman.
I nearly declined the invitation because I had another commitment that evening - but when I mentioned the invitation, word spread, and employers, colleagues, neighbours, all told me ONE DOES NOT DECLINE AN INVITATION TO DINE WITH ROYALTY. So I went. I'm glad I did.
(I tagged you in a meme. I don't know if you like such things or not but I'd love to see your answers)