Polishing the Details: Why Subplots Sometimes Need Rewrites

When you're working on a long, complex project, what slows you down isn't the larger story arc, but polishing the details. In the case of a fantasy epic like The Unfinished Song, it's often the stories within the story which I have to rework and rework to hone just right. Why are the subplots sometimes so much harder to write than the Main Plot? I think there are several reasons. One, I've known the arc of the Main Plot for a long time. In fact, I've been anticipating some scenes since I started, and I couldn't wait to write them. Naturally, those came easy! Two, once I have my Main Plot nailed into place, any fiddling with the book has to come in the subplots. The subsidiary stories have to wiggle into the spaces left by the Main Plot, and conform to it, not the other way around. They therefore require more... fiddling. Three, the subplots and stories-within-stories serve a dual purpose in the overall book. They aren't there only because I love to go o...