Today Only Buy a Book from Dragonwell, Get $5

A colleague of mine, whom I first met ten years ago (online) in the Online Writer's Workshop, is celebrating his book release today. He has a beautiful writing voice and this story is well-researched, a work of both passion and philosophy. I've only read excerpts of it so far, but I am looking forward to reading the whole thing. Visit Dragonwell and learn more about W.B.J. "Walt" Williams and his new fantasy novel The Garden at The Roof of the World . Or just head over to Amazon and grab the book! Today only if you buy a copy and send a screen shot of your proof of purchase, Dragonwell will give you a $5 gift certificate toward one of their other books. In fact, I can recommend most any of those too, such as Assassin's Gambit by Amy Raby , The Princess of Dhagabad by Anna Kashina, Crossfire by Nancy Kress --she had good books on Writing as well, by the way-- The Far West by Patricia C. Wrede , and Spellbent by Lucy A. Snyder . Dragonwell Publishing...