When Should You Read Literary Novels?

Puddlepaws, the Gratuitously Adorable Kitten, from The Initiate None of this post will apply if you regularly read (or write) in the literary genre. I love literary writing...in small dribbles. There are are certain gorgeous books, with such exquisite sentences and turns of phrase that they seduce my inner logophile into rapturous sighs of bliss. I can usually make it half-way through such a book before I realize I'm...bored. The rest of the journey is a slog. Often, I'll find that the true power of the story doesn't hit until the end. So it's worth it to push through that boring part. It's not like the boring part of a badly written story, which you'd be better off without. It's drawing you in to the character's world or mind, making you love this person against all logic and expectation. Literary novels revolve around people who aren't admirable doing things that aren't interesting. The literary writer's job is to write so beauti...