5 Movies I Recommend for Halloween - If You Like Spooky but Not Horror

If you're looking for a great movie to watch tonight, after Treak-or-Treating, here are three movies I recommend. Here they are, in no particular order. The Sixth Sense. This movie stands the test of time. It's spook and creepy enough to warrant being a Halloween classic, without being TOO scary or gruesome. Personally, I also prefer the tear-jerker ending to the "monster attacks to the end" technique employed in a lot of Horror films. Ghostbusters. The original. Accept no substitutes. Sing along. I Cast A Spell On You. There just aren't enough Paranormal Romance movies in general, not even themed around Halloween. I found this one this year and I really enjoyed it. It's like a Cinderella story, except if the story started with the Ball and the Glass Slipper was magic powers. The hero is a Warlock who accidentally loses his magic to True Love's Kiss. He has to find the woman who stole his magic and his heart... even though he's trapped in an arran...