How ChatGPT Will Change Medicine
This guy, an MD named Vinay Prasad, discusses how ChatGPT will impact medicine--and in particular, medical writing.
I think that his analysis applies to writing in many fields, even creative writing.
To make it short, ChatGPt will help slow writers write faster, but it can't help writers without creative ideas write more creatively. It's great at smoothing along production of written material; it's not great at true innovation.
This might help reward innovation, as those with original ideas can get them out fast enough to compete with those who have no original ideas but used to rush re-hashed ideas to publication faster than their peers.
Prassad also discusses how ChatGPT might change who becomes physicians. Keen intellect will be less important, because physicians will be able to use AI as a crutch. However, empathy might be more important! (He laughs cynically at that.)
Will the analytical thinkers still be drawn to this area of medicine?
Perhaps not.
But sick people will still want a human consultant to help them through difficult decisions.
This isn't relevant to writing per se, but it does have interesting predictions for near future science fiction.
Finally, just as I said in AI for Authors, he sees this form of AI as filling the role of Research Assistant in Knowledge fields.
He also points out that no one can ban this without shooting their own foot.
You can check out his website here. (I haven't read his book, so I can't comment on his other work.)