Crazy Yellow Ants Are, In Fact, Crazy

I love ants. Okay, not in my kitchen. I hate ants in my kitchen. But I love studying ants, at a distance. Even a little distance is okay. When I lived in Indonesia, a bunch of Weaver ants lived in a tree right outside my bedroom window. Weaver ants are some of the coolest effing ants on the planet. Those who live in my tree built what looked several green basketballs made out of leaves glued together. I loved to sit out on the balcony watching them. Ants are hive animals; hive are such an incredibly power system of social organization, called eusociality , that it's really the only rival to the mammalian sociality that we use ourselves. So it's not surprising that aliens in Science Fiction are generally either shown as being much like humans... or much like ants. (Or bees or termites, the other hive bugs.) The Formics, or "Buggers," in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" series are insectoid aliens that are literally named after ants. In the televisi...